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Revived Thoughts Podcast 13

In 2019, I was asked to preach a number of sermons from Christian history for the Revived Thoughts podcast. I enjoyed preaching these historic insights from great preachers of the past, and the hosts of the podcast have supplied me with another sermon to preach, this one in February of 2024.

The thirteenth sermon I voiced is from R.A. Torrey, a Congregational evangelist, teacher, and author. In 1889 Dwight L. Moody called Torrey to Chicago to become the superintendent of the school which became known as the Moody Bible Institute. He also served as pastor of the Chicago Avenue Church, now the Moody Memorial Church.

This sermon was probably preached in the early 1900’s, called Three Fires. Hosted by Revived Thoughts, I hope you’re blessed as you listen to this podcast.

Here’s the Apple Podcast link…

and here’s the YouTube link.

I hope you’ll go over to Revived Thoughts, and give it (and the other excellent sermons) a listen! God bless you as you seek to deepen your faith.

Seen in the Manger 4: Magi and Movement

Magi and Movement

Matthew 2:1-12

In many homes during this holiday season, a LOT of planning occurs. Plans regarding who is to receive what gift; what foods will be included in a holiday meal… and some who are not in a position to celebrate as they’d like have to plan how they’ll get THROUGH the Christmas season. Here is *another* truth: incorporating unforeseen surprises is always a challenge…

The Christmas Story Surprise

* The Introduction of Magi ~ Matthew 2:1-6

  • 1/2 Magi: NON-Jewish priests from Persia/Iran; why important? Star: only Matthew; references something seen in the heavens; challenge: translation is easy (aster → star), but interpretation not as certain:
      • is it actual stellar phenomenon?
      • Is it astrological (conjunction of planets/comets)?
      • Is it metaphorical?
  • Personal conclusion: God wanted these Magi to see His action in THEIR context – because God has ALWAYS been about sending His light into the darkness (Isa. 9:1-2; 42:6-7; 49:1,6)
  • 3/4 “all of Jerusalem” – Herod was known to go mad and start killing people, including members of his own family. Small wonder everyone else would be concerned. Herod, an Idumaean (descendant of Edom, southwest of Jerusalem), were hated collaborators with Rome; he would have no hope from Jewish promises of a Messiah, let alone know anything about them
  • 5/6 The chief priests sure knew – they quoted Micah, chapter 5 verse 2… but left off the imporant end bit “and His goings forth have been from of old, from the days of eternity.” (LITV)


* The Importance of Movement ~ Matthew 2:7-12

  • 7/8 Herod spends time privately interviewing the Magi to find out accurately when the Star had appeared to them. He doesn’t want anyone to know his ultimate plans (found later in the chapter). If the Magi had reported back, Herod would have no doubt killed Jesus, as he had killed his own son and heir
  • 9/10 HERE is why I don’t think the Star was just an astronomical phenomenon: stars don’t “go ahead” and then “stop over”; THIS star doesn’t act like any other stars we’ve seen in Scripture OR Astronomy;
  • 11 “to the house” – long time since the Manger; three specific gifts (which is where we get “We Three Kings”)
  • 12 God speaks through dreams a LOT in this narrative! Joseph is warned numerous times, and now even these pagan seekers are warned in a dream

Our dilemma is to, on the one side, make room for the unexpected people and situations that may arrive in our lives in such a way that God’s glory is to be seen in us. The other side of the puzzle is to listen carefully to the leading of the Holy Spirit… because WE might just be someone else’s unexpected challenge! If that’s the case, are we ready to move like the Magi… watching for God’s leading in unexpected ways?

Seen in the Manger 2: Cousin and Context

Click HERE for MP3 of Cousin and Context sermon audio.

Luke 1:26-38

If I use an opening phrase “Once upon a time”, what kind of story am I going to tell? What if the phrase was “A Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”? Or how about “There once was a cowboy…”?
Luke 1:5-25 seems like an odd place to begin a story: not with the main character, but with the introduction of the sidekick, as it were…

The Manger Characters Are Busy

* Comprehending the Context ~ Luke 1:26-33

  • 26/27 Nativity characters in Luke: Gabriel, Mary, Joseph
  • 28/29 Gabriel contacts Mary first, and she doesn’t know what to make of this
  • 30/31 favor with God REPEATED; specifics about Jesus’ birth and name
  • 32/33 Son of God; throne of David promise

* Communing With Cousin ~ Luke 1:34-38

  • 34 Mary wants specifics (don’t we all?)
  • 35 “overshadow” to envelop in a haze of brilliancy; not a **hint** of fleshly interaction
  • 36/37 Gabriel tells Mary that God is working with Elizabeth too; Mary is not alone in this miraculous birth experience
  • 38 Mary agrees to serve (doulos); she agrees with God’s plan

Mary’s most important choice is right here: she had free will – she *could* have said no. But she reaffirmed her status as God’s servant – and she voluntarily submitted her will to God.

The Work of the Word 2: Old Rules vs. New Jewels

Click HERE for MP3 of Old Rules vs. New Jewels sermon audio.

Jer.31:31-34; 2Cor.3:4-11

The power of a promise doesn’t lie in the felt intent of the promise maker; it’s found in the character of the promise KEEPER. God keeps His promises to us because of WHO HE IS.

Promised… and Paid For!

* Old Focus On Rules ~ Jer.31:31-34

  • 31 God makes COVENANTS
  • 32 We BREAK covenants
  • 33 previous covenant of EXTERNAL law; new covenant of INTERNAL law
  • 34 we KNOW God; He FORGIVES sin in New Covenant

* New Gift of Jewels ~ 2Cor.3:4-11

  • 4 confidence that God IS STILL WORKING WITH US
  • 5/6 rule: Law; Jewel: Spirit
  • 7 rule: glory by obedience
  • 8 Jewel: more glory thru Spirit working IN/THRU us
  • 9 rule: occasional obedience; Jewel: righteousness
  • 10/11 rules have been surpassed by greater glory: GOD ***IN*** US

This is what the palm-wavers missed; they were shouting and praising and giving the best glory they could… but they missed the point. They thought Jesus was going to be a military king, like King David. Instead, Jesus fulfilled the promise ABOUT David – that there would ALWAYS be a descendant of King David on the throne of Israel… and surpassed that glory by being the King of EVERYONE, making it possible to not just draw nearer to God through observation of the Law, but having The Creator of the Universe LIVE IN US. We are not little g gods with the potential to grow into something more. We are like Kinder Eggs: we’re the outer wrapping… but the GOOD stuff, the SURPRISE, is on the INSIDE.

Christ in You, the hope of glory. What is IN you these days?

#WorkOfTheWord, Old Rules vs. New Jewels, promise, promises, pinky promise, covenants, Holy Spirit, indwelling, indwelt, obedience, righteousness

Revived Thoughts Podcasts 7-12

In 2019, I was asked to preach a number of sermons from Christian history for the Revived Thoughts podcast. I have enjoyed preaching these historic insights from great preachers of the past, and I’ve posted four of their previous sermon podcasts on this blog. (You can find them by searching for “Revived Thoughts”.)

I was recently asked record another, and I remembered I hadn’t updated my blog postings to show the other sermons I’d recorded for them. Looking back, I’ve recorded TWELVE sermons for them, and realized I didn’t want to create another 4 posts… so I’m going to link them all in this one post.

The seventh sermon I voiced is from Jonathan Edwards, an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Congregationalist theologian who lived in the early 1700’s. His sermon is called Vain Self-Flatteries of the Sinner.
Also on Apple Podcasts.

The eighth sermon I preached is from George Mueller, a Christian evangelist and the director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England. He was one of the founders of the Plymouth Brethren movement in the 1800’s. His sermon is called You Have One Life.
Apple Podcast Link

The ninth sermon I recorded is from John Calvin, a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation in the early 1500’s. His sermon is called Passion of the Christ.
Apple Podcast Link

The tenth sermon I voiced is from Jonathan Edwards, an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Congregationalist theologian who lived in the early 1700’s. His sermon is simply titled Heaven.
Apple Podcast Link
YouTube Link

The eleventh sermon I recorded is from Ambrose of Milan, venerated as Saint Ambrose, was a theologian and statesman who served as Bishop of Milan from 374 to 397. That message was titled “Sermon Under Siege“, It can be also be found on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

The twelfth sermon I recorded was written by William Bacon Stevens, the fourth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania in the 1800’s. He briefly served as professor of moral philosophy at the University of Georgia prior to being called as the rector of St. Andrew’s Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1848. His sermon is titled Anatomy Praises God. Apple Podcast and YouTube.

Learning From Luke: Sent Seventy-Two

Sent Seventy-Two

Luke 10:1-11; 16-20

I was reading an article about how United States military personnel were to conduct themselves while in action. I found it especially interesting that every military individual is under orders to NOT obey unlawful, illegal orders. This requires them to know 1) what is the objective of a certain military operation, and 2) what is not allowed in that area of operation. Knowing our orders, and how to live them out, is crucial for our mission as well…

The Messiah’s Mission For Us:

* Sent to Share the Truth ~ Luke 10:1-11

  • 1/2 “advance troops” Jesus had sent out 12 Disciples, and then Mt. Of Transfiguration; God’s kingdom on earth was being made known, so Jesus sends His followers with specific instructions
  • 3/4 Notice the attitude they’re to have: TRUSTING God
  • 5/8 trust God that they will be at peace as they minister; that they will be fed
  • 9 heal sick; proclaim the Kingdom (I think these are more closely connected than we often realize today)
  • 10/11 Attitude dealing with rejection: THEY are not being rejected, GOD is. The “shake the dust off” is a symbolic warning (when Hebrews would travel among the goyim, they would shake the dust off their feet from their travels – to have the 72 do this to THEM is to signal to them: “you are no better than the Heathen in the rejection of God’s work among you”)

* Sent to Set Up the Kingdom ~ Luke 10:16-20

  • 16 theological equation: your words are My words; reject them, reject Me; reject Me, reject GOD
  • 17/19 when the 72 come back, they’re excited because of what “they” can do – and Jesus sets them straight: His authority is given TO OVERCOME THE ENEMY – we’re not to be doing church-y stuff just because we can, but because we are participating in building the Kingdom of God here… and we WILL be opposed as we do it!
  • 20 So the point isn’t to rejoice in Gods-power-on-loan-in-us as we work… but that it means we belong to God our Father!

God lets us use His power and authority to get His work done for His glory. Always all about Almighty God!

NamesOfYahweh: Tzevaot~ Promise of Defense

Tzevaot~ Promise of Defense

Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 3:1-6

What do Bobby Fischer, Troy Houston Middleton, and Ken Norton Jr. have in common? They are all known for their skills at defense: Fischer in chess, General Middleton in WWII, and Norton as the defensive coordinator for the Seahawks. What makes for a successful defense? Strategy. A plan has to be in place. We don’t often refer to God as “a coordinator of defense”, but that’s an important part of how we can know Him: as our Strong Defender. He even has a title that goes along with this concept: Yahweh Tzevaot, Lord Sabaoth – the God of Armies. And the Lord of Armies doesn’t wage war out of aggression: He has a long-term strategy for His people, and part of it includes defense…

Defense Is Intentional

* Solution For His Purpose ~ Malachi 3:1-4

  • 1 Lord Almighty/Hosts/Sabaoth: emphasizes SOVEREIGNTY- sends Messenger of the Covenant
  • 2/3 not just to say nice things, but to refine His people
    =>silver refinement requires a crucible
  • 4 context: priests/leaders who had gone soft/easy on Israel; rebuked

* Specifics In His Plan ~ Luke 3:1-6

  • 1/2 Luke is VERY detailed & accurate here re: time & names; connects the “minor” event of John’s becoming a prophet to the “major” persons of the day
  • 3 John’s prophetic work: preaching repentance
  • 4/5 as a fulfillment of God’s promise about a forerunner herald for Messiah
  • 6 the POINT: God WILL bring salvation

Interesting that the Lord of Hosts/Armies, a military-tinged title, doesn’t plan to bring salvation through the use of force (which He could easily have done). Rather, he sends a regular guy to prepare a local area that God’s promised One will be arriving soon. HE STILL DOES THIS – WITH US!

Preaching Schedule for 2022

For a few years now, I have been planning my sermon schedules about a year in advance. I take a few days of retreat in October, and read a lot of Scripture to see what patterns might emerge, which I then hammer out into a schedule that takes me through the liturgical year.

For 2022, the texts I’ll be preaching on are gleaned from the Revised Common Lectionary, a three year selection of texts. This next year, we’ll be in Year C. This is the second time I’ve gone through this particular cycle, and I’ve chosen the texts I DIDN’T use before.

Here are the themes and texts we’ll be using in 2022:

2021-22 Year C titles OT READINGS NT READINGS
11/28/21 Yahweh Tsidkenu: Promise of Righteousness Jeremiah 33:14-16 Luke 21:25-36
12/05/21 Yahweh Tzevaot: Promise of Defense Malachi 3:1-4 Luke 3:1-6
12/12/21 Yahweh Ma ́Ozi: Promise of Strength Isaiah 12:2-6 Luke 3:7-18
12/19/21 Yahweh El Ashiyb: Promise of Restoration Psalm 80:1-7 Hebrews 10:5-10
12/26/21 The Light of Christmas Isaiah 9:2-7 Luke 2:22-32
01/02/22 The Favor of Christmas 1 Samuel 2:18-20,26 Luke 2:41-52
01/09/22 HOW Is God With Us? Isaiah 43:1-7 Acts 8:14-17
01/16/22 The Presents of the Spirit Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
01/23/22 The Parts of the Body Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
01/30/22 The Qualities of Love Jeremiah 1:4-10 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
02/06/22 The Quintessentials of the Gospel Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13) 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
02/13/22 The Prerequisite of the Resurrection Jeremiah 17:5-10 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
02/20/22 The Perishable Transformation Genesis 45:3-11, 15 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50
02/27/22 The Portrait of Reflection Exodus 34:29-35 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2
03/06/22 LENT – A Season of Giving Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Romans 10:8b-13
03/13/22 LENT – Standing in Faith Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Philippians 3:17-4:1
03/20/22 LENT – Seeking During Testing Isaiah 55:1-9 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
03/27/22 LENT – Step Into The New Joshua 5:9-12 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
04/03/22 LENT – Straining And Training Isaiah 43:16-21 Philippians 3:4b-14
04/10/22 LENT – Sent On Ahead Isaiah 50:4-9a Luke 19:28-40
04/14/22 MAUNDY THURSDAY Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
04/17/22 The Ticket To New Life Isaiah 65:17-25 Acts 10:34-43
04/24/22 Breathing Out Praise Psalm 150 Acts 5:27-32
05/01/22 Made For Praise Genesis 1:26-2:3 Revelation 5:11-14
05/08/22 Saved To Praise Genesis 8:13-18; 9:8-13 Revelation 7:9-17
05/15/22 Blessed To Abide For Life Genesis 22:1-18 Revelation 21:1-6
05/22/22 Rescued For A Life of Light Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21 Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5
05/29/22 Called For A Gift of Life Isaiah 55:1-11 Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21
06/05/22 The Language of Adoption Genesis 11:1-9 Romans 8:14-17
06/12/22 A Life Built By Wisdom Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 John 16:12-15
06/19/22 Learning From Luke: From Man To Ham 1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a Luke 8:26-39
06/26/22 Learning From Luke: Faltering Following 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Luke 9:51-62
07/03/22 Learning From Luke: Seventy Two Sent 2 Kings 5:1-14 Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
07/10/22 Learning From Luke: Love And The Loophole Deuteronomy 30:9-14 Luke 10:25-37
07/17/22 Learning From Luke: Serving While Distracted Genesis 18:1-10a Luke 10:38-42
07/24/22 Learning From Luke: The Lord’s Prayer Hosea 1:2-10 Luke 11:1-13
07/31/22 Learning From Luke: Storage Fees Hosea 11:1-11 Luke 12:13-21
08/07/22 Learning From Luke: Ready, Set, Serve! Isaiah 1:1, 10-20 Luke 12:32-40
08/14/22 Learning From Luke: Multiplication Of Division Isaiah 5:1-7 Luke 12:49-56
08/21/22 Learning From Luke: Set Free On Sabbath Jeremiah 1:4-10 Luke 13:10-17
08/28/22 Learning From Luke: A Place At The Table Jeremiah 2:4-13 Luke 14:1, 7-14
09/04/22 Learning From Luke: The Bottom Line Jeremiah 18:1-11 Luke 14:25-33
09/11/22 Learning From Luke: The Lay Of The Land Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 Luke 15:1-10
09/18/22 Learning From Luke: Matters Of Money And Trust Jeremiah 8:18-9:1 Luke 16:1-13
09/25/22 Learning From Luke: The Great Divide Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15 Luke 16:19-31
10/02/22 Learning From Luke: Faith Enough Lamentations 1:1-6 Luke 17:5-10
10/09/22 Learning From Luke: Missed By Nine Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 Luke 17:11-19
10/16/22 Learning From Luke: Bother The Father Jeremiah 31:27-34 Luke 18:1-8
10/23/22 Learning From Luke: Look Down To Be Lifted Joel 2:23-32 Luke 18:9-14
10/30/22 Learning From Luke: Real Repentance Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 Luke 19:1-10
11/06/22 Learning From Luke: Married For Life Haggai 1:15b-2:9 Luke 20:27-38
11/13/22 Learning From Luke: Before The End Credits Isaiah 65:17-25 Luke 21:5-19
11/20/22 Learning From Luke: How Much Faith Works? Jeremiah 23:1-6 Luke 23:33-43

I hope that’s helpful to you as you prepare to study God’s word!
KFJ – Ed

Revived Thoughts Podcast 6

In 2019, I was asked to preach a number of sermons from Christian history for the Revived Thoughts podcast. I enjoyed preaching these historic insights from great preachers of the past, and the hosts of the podcast have supplied me with another sermon to preach, this one in March of 2021.

The sixth sermon I voiced is from John Wesley, founder of Methodism, and a very hard working English minister. This sermon was probably preached in the late 1700’s, called Faith at Home. With so much emphasis on the importance of the education of children, this sermon would have been popular during the Christian Homeschooling movement of the 1980’s. I hope you’re blessed as you listen to this podcast.

and here’s the Apple Podcast link.

I hope you’ll go over to Revived Thoughts, and give it (and the other excellent sermons) a listen! God bless you as you seek to deepen your faith.

Practical Christianity: Passing The Test

Passing The Test

James 1:1-16

We’re starting our second run through of the book of James. In the next 5 weeks, we’ll finish looking at every verse through this book. James is often considered one of the most practical books in all of Scripture… and speaking of practicum…

C.A.S.T. To Pass The Test

* Consider Your Circumstances ~ James 1:1-4

  • 1 quick note: 12 tribes=Jewish Christians; familiar with Torah/Covenant
  • 2 CONSIDER tough times as joyful opportunities
  • 3 to grow as patient putting-up-with-it people
  • 4 which is necessary for maturity

* Ask For Help ~ James 1:5-8

  • 5 wisdom=not just good thinking, but insight from perspective; ask for God’s eyes
  • 6 all about trust; refusal to trust God puts you off balance
  • 7/8 because he’s in OPPOSITION to God; he’s refusing to see things God’s way

* Stand Under Pressure ~ James 1:9-12

  • 9 position: an heir of the Kingdom
  • 10 a servant in the Kingdom
  • 11 nature is temporary; if you take pride in your position because “it’s only natural”, it’s also only here for a short time compared to eternity
  • 12 STAND under pressure; know the Crown of Life is coming – Keep the end in mind to keep on keeping on

* Turn Down Temptation ~ James 1:13-16

  • 13 God doesn’t test us for evil (not proving ground)
  • 14 stage 1: temptation+desire
  • 15 stage 2: evil desire+nurture+time=sin;
    stage 3: sin+time=death
  • 16 don’t fall for it!

Temptation IS NOT SIN; you don’t HAVE to give into it!

#Practical Christianity, Passing The Test, Consider Your Circumstances, consider, consideration, circumstance, ask for help, asking, help, helping, dealing with pressure, pressure, stand under pressure, under pressure, turn down temptation, dealing with temptation, temptation

Pastor Ed Backell

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