Posts Tagged 'Passing The Test'

Practical Christianity: Passing The Test

Passing The Test

James 1:1-16

We’re starting our second run through of the book of James. In the next 5 weeks, we’ll finish looking at every verse through this book. James is often considered one of the most practical books in all of Scripture… and speaking of practicum…

C.A.S.T. To Pass The Test

* Consider Your Circumstances ~ James 1:1-4

  • 1 quick note: 12 tribes=Jewish Christians; familiar with Torah/Covenant
  • 2 CONSIDER tough times as joyful opportunities
  • 3 to grow as patient putting-up-with-it people
  • 4 which is necessary for maturity

* Ask For Help ~ James 1:5-8

  • 5 wisdom=not just good thinking, but insight from perspective; ask for God’s eyes
  • 6 all about trust; refusal to trust God puts you off balance
  • 7/8 because he’s in OPPOSITION to God; he’s refusing to see things God’s way

* Stand Under Pressure ~ James 1:9-12

  • 9 position: an heir of the Kingdom
  • 10 a servant in the Kingdom
  • 11 nature is temporary; if you take pride in your position because “it’s only natural”, it’s also only here for a short time compared to eternity
  • 12 STAND under pressure; know the Crown of Life is coming – Keep the end in mind to keep on keeping on

* Turn Down Temptation ~ James 1:13-16

  • 13 God doesn’t test us for evil (not proving ground)
  • 14 stage 1: temptation+desire
  • 15 stage 2: evil desire+nurture+time=sin;
    stage 3: sin+time=death
  • 16 don’t fall for it!

Temptation IS NOT SIN; you don’t HAVE to give into it!

#Practical Christianity, Passing The Test, Consider Your Circumstances, consider, consideration, circumstance, ask for help, asking, help, helping, dealing with pressure, pressure, stand under pressure, under pressure, turn down temptation, dealing with temptation, temptation

Pastor Ed Backell

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