Revived Thoughts Podcast 13

In 2019, I was asked to preach a number of sermons from Christian history for the Revived Thoughts podcast. I enjoyed preaching these historic insights from great preachers of the past, and the hosts of the podcast have supplied me with another sermon to preach, this one in February of 2024.

The thirteenth sermon I voiced is from R.A. Torrey, a Congregational evangelist, teacher, and author. In 1889 Dwight L. Moody called Torrey to Chicago to become the superintendent of the school which became known as the Moody Bible Institute. He also served as pastor of the Chicago Avenue Church, now the Moody Memorial Church.

This sermon was probably preached in the early 1900’s, called Three Fires. Hosted by Revived Thoughts, I hope you’re blessed as you listen to this podcast.

Here’s the Apple Podcast link…

and here’s the YouTube link.

I hope you’ll go over to Revived Thoughts, and give it (and the other excellent sermons) a listen! God bless you as you seek to deepen your faith.

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Pastor Ed Backell

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