Revived Thoughts Podcasts 7-12

In 2019, I was asked to preach a number of sermons from Christian history for the Revived Thoughts podcast. I have enjoyed preaching these historic insights from great preachers of the past, and I’ve posted four of their previous sermon podcasts on this blog. (You can find them by searching for “Revived Thoughts”.)

I was recently asked record another, and I remembered I hadn’t updated my blog postings to show the other sermons I’d recorded for them. Looking back, I’ve recorded TWELVE sermons for them, and realized I didn’t want to create another 4 posts… so I’m going to link them all in this one post.

The seventh sermon I voiced is from Jonathan Edwards, an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Congregationalist theologian who lived in the early 1700’s. His sermon is called Vain Self-Flatteries of the Sinner.
Also on Apple Podcasts.

The eighth sermon I preached is from George Mueller, a Christian evangelist and the director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England. He was one of the founders of the Plymouth Brethren movement in the 1800’s. His sermon is called You Have One Life.
Apple Podcast Link

The ninth sermon I recorded is from John Calvin, a French theologian, pastor and reformer in Geneva during the Protestant Reformation in the early 1500’s. His sermon is called Passion of the Christ.
Apple Podcast Link

The tenth sermon I voiced is from Jonathan Edwards, an American revivalist preacher, philosopher, and Congregationalist theologian who lived in the early 1700’s. His sermon is simply titled Heaven.
Apple Podcast Link
YouTube Link

The eleventh sermon I recorded is from Ambrose of Milan, venerated as Saint Ambrose, was a theologian and statesman who served as Bishop of Milan from 374 to 397. That message was titled “Sermon Under Siege“, It can be also be found on Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

The twelfth sermon I recorded was written by William Bacon Stevens, the fourth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania in the 1800’s. He briefly served as professor of moral philosophy at the University of Georgia prior to being called as the rector of St. Andrew’s Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1848. His sermon is titled Anatomy Praises God. Apple Podcast and YouTube.

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Pastor Ed Backell

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